Newt Mobility is an electric vehicle sharing provider.
Through electric scooters, we aim at providing a safe, affordable, and eco-friendly solution to students and commuters around the world.

In November 2018, our founder traveled to Washington, DC and was surprised by a scene coming straight from Walt Disney’s vision of Tomorrowland. People were moving around in compact scooters powered by an electric engine – a glimpse of the future that he did not expect to see so soon. These electric scooters became one of the main methods of personal transportation in the city, and because of its convenience and low-cost, he rode them around almost every day from his hotel to pretty much all points of interest in the city.
After coming back to Orlando, he researched extensively this new market. Seeing the benefits these electric scooters could bring to cities after that initial (and controversial) “scooter-fever” phase, he decided to sell his motorcycle, gather his savings, and go all-in in what he trusted to be the future of short-distance transportation.
From that idea, Newt Mobility was born on February 4th, 2019.
Our current public transportation is designed to fit the needs of the average person. However, almost no one is exactly the average person. In other words, public transit is largely convenient for most people but totally convenient only for a few that live close to a bus stop – if the bus stopped everywhere, it would stop being useful altogether.
Since the only ways to reach a bus stop is by either walking or biking, most people decide to use cars instead.

This is known as the First and Last Mile Problem – the hardest and least efficient part of a trip and one of the reasons why we don't see a lot of people using buses in areas that are mostly suburban, like Orlando.
A recent research done by INRIX shows that 46% of the whole car traffic in the US is caused by cars on trips less than three miles. Newt’s mission is to provide an alternative to these drivers and solve the First and Last Mile Problem, reducing traffic jams inside cities, the overall carbon footprint, while still cutting our customers expenses with transportation.

Our biggest competitors all work in a similar way: they put their scooters and bikes in the streets and resource to subcontractors to charge and maintain them. The problem is that these scooters are not exactly well maintained, causing most of the accidents related to scooters that are seen in the news.
Differently than our competitors, Newt will expand by always having a local base in the area and will collect all scooters at the end of the day to charge and test them. Any scooters that fail our tests are sent to local bike shops for repairs, thus also developing the local bike and e-scooter community.
It is not the most efficient way to do it, but we prize our customer’s safety and want to avoid further accidents that would eventually bring scooters a bad reputation.